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What is a process to enrol my child to Child Care and Kindergarten?
1. Submit Waiting List Application along with a $30 enrolment fee to get on our waitlist. Send it via email to as soon as you know you will require care.
2. You’ll receive a confirmation email to let you know we’ve received your application.
Once you receive a place:
We’ll send you a confirmation letter and enrolment package to complete and return to us.
We require a commitment deposit of $300, which is deducted from your first week’s fees.
When your enrolment package is returned, we generate an electronic enrolment, which you’ll need to confirm in your MyGov account (if applicable). This will automatically connect us to your Child Care Subsidy (CCS) figures.
Please note, activation can take up to two weeks due to Centrelink processing times.
You are required to pay full fees until Centrelink processes your enrolment.
What is a process to enrol my child to Vacation Care?
1. Submit an initial request by filling a Vacation Care Application form and send it via email to Please find the December 24 & January 25 Vacation Care program here.
Please note:
Please prepare your child hat, water bottle and spare clothes every attendance day.
All excursion and incursion are charged as an additional fee listed in the program sheet. These fees will be added to your account weekly. If your child is booked in a day with excursion designated, your child must attend that excursion. There is no opt-out option of staying at the service due to staff ratio.
Excursion form will be sent out by email after booking confirmation. Please adhere the time frame set out on the form.
2. Confirmation of your booking:
If your booked days are available, you’ll receive a confirmation email. Otherwise, you’ll be placed on our waitlist.
Once you receive a place:
We’ll send you a confirmation letter and enrolment package to complete and return to us.
We require a $30 admin fee for new OSHC enrolment.
When your enrolment package is returned, we generate an electronic enrolment, which you’ll need to confirm in your MyGov account (if applicable). This will automatically connect us to your Child Care Subsidy (CCS) figures.
Excursion form will be sent out by email after booking confirmation. Please adhere the time frame set out on the form.
Late collection: a late fee will be imposed for any children not collected by closing time. This is to cover the cost of educators’ overtime. The fee will be charged at $30 for the first 15 minutes and then at $3.00 per minute after.
Cancellation: 7 business days’ notice or earlier, not including the 2-week centre closure during Christmas, will not incur a cancellation fee. If cancelled after this time (or not at all), full session fee will be charged.
Please note:
Activation can take up to two weeks due to Centrelink processing times.
You are required to pay full fees until Centrelink processes your enrolment.
What is a process to enrol my child to OSHC?
Submit an initial request by filling Outside School Care request form and send it via email to
Ironside State School: Ironside OSHC request form
Indooroopilly State School: Our waitlist is currently full, please fill and return us the Express of Interest form. We will get back to you if we have any available vancancy.
Please see the 2022 OSHC information sheets as following:
Ironside State School: Before and After School Care services
Indooroopilly State School: only After School Care service availabe
2. You’ll receive a confirmation email. If your requesting days are available, we’ll contact you immediately. Otherwise, you’ll be placed on our waitlist.
Once you receive a place:
We’ll send you a confirmation letter and enrolment package to complete and return to us.
There is an admin fee of $30.00 (per student) is non-refundable and must be paid upon application and will be charged from your provided bank details after creating the enrolments.
When your enrolment package is returned, we generate an electronic enrolment, which you’ll need to confirm in your MyGov account (if applicable). This will automatically connect us to your Child Care Subsidy (CCS) figures.
Please note, activation can take up to two weeks due to Centrelink processing times.
You are required to pay full fees until Centrelink processes your enrolment.
When will I receive a place?
That depends. Priority is given per government priority guidelines and to the UQ community. We recommend putting your child’s name down as soon as possible. If you have any questions about where you are on the waitlist, please contact management directly by emailing In October of each year, we will contact parents on our waitlist in order of priority to offer a place, unless days become available sooner.
How long will I be on the Waiting List for ?
It is difficult for us to give you an exact time frame for how long the waiting period will be. We may be able to give you an estimation but due to the unpredictability of many factors surrounding enrolments, we can't guarantee a position until you are sent an official Offer of Enrolment.
What are your fees?
You can find more fee information here
Can I book my child in Vacation Care for a casual place?
How can I access Child Care Subsidy (CCS) rebate?
Using myGov
Sign in to your myGov account. If you do not have one, you will need to create a myGov account
Link myGov to Centrelink.
You can do this under Services.
Select Centrelink and complete the Child Care Subsidy Assessment.
Please contact Centrelink or the link provided for more information
Can I make a casual booking for before or after school care?
Casual bookings are not available. All enrolments are for 12 months, and we require at least two weeks’ notice in writing to cancel any days.
Does my child need to be vaccinated before they begin at Playhouse?
Yes. Your child must be fully vaccinated before any care commences. Catch up schedules may be approved on a case-by-case basis.
What’s involved at drop off and pick up?
Collecting your child at least 15 minutes before we close gives us a chance to debrief your child’s day with you.
Allow 10 minutes for a physical handover in the mornings. This time is for sharing important information about sleep, medication and food with your child’s educators. These details can help us support your child to have a great day, ensuring we are on top of everything we need to know.
How to set up Storypark account and how much does it cost?
Storypark’s annual fee for one child is $12.00. This amount will be deducted from your Holding fee when you are starting childcare with us.
Signing up by an email invitation
Firstly, parents will need to sign the Storypark agreement form in their enrolment pack.
Then you will receive a Storypark invitation by email.
Click the link in the email and you’ll be taken to a 'Sign up' page where you can enter your name, and choose a password. Please choose a password you will remember but that is difficult for someone else to guess.
Once you click ‘Sign up’ you'll be part of that child’s Storypark learning community.
Logging in
If you already have an account, go to and click the 'Log in' button at the top of the page. Enter the email and password you signed up with and click the ‘Log in’ button. Or you can download the Storypark app for Family and just log in with your signed up email and password.